Friday, November 6, 2009


Sydney, December 1939. Troops of the 2nd Australian Infantry queue up to embark for overseas duty.
Pacific Islands! - The Most Complete World War 2 Timeline Available
03/09/1939The Australian Prime Minister, R.G. Menzies broadcasts that Australia is now at war with Germany.
08/09/1939Australia passes the National Security act. Earl Page steps down as Australia's Country Party Leader, to be replaced by Archie Cameron.
15/09/1939The Australian Government announces the creation of a 20,000 strong defense force. - The Most Complete World War 2 Timeline Available - The Most Complete World War 2 Timeline Available
27/11/1939Australia and Britain establish the Empire Air Training Scheme.
28/11/1939The Australian Cabinet agrees to the sending of Australian troops overseas. - The Most Complete World War 2 Timeline Available

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