Tuesday, November 10, 2009

WORLD WAR - I - 1917



  • 1. Turkey declares its independence of suzerainty of European powers.
  • 1. Ivernia, Cunard liner, is sunk in Mediterranean.


  • 3. United States severs diplomatic relations with Germany. Count Von Bernstorff is handed his passports.
  • 7. California, Anchor liner, is sunk off Irish coast.
  • 13. Afric, White Star liner, sunk by submarine.
  • 17. British troops on the Ancre capture German positions.
  • 25. Laconia, Cunard liner, sunk off Irish coast.
  • 26. Kut-el-Amara recaptured from Turks by new British Mesopotamian expedition under command of Gen. Sir Stanley Maude.
  • 28. United States government makes public a communication from Germans to Mexico proposing an alliance, and offering as a reward the return of Mexico's lost territory in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona.
  • 28. Submarine campaign of Germans results in the sinking of 134 vessels


  • 3. British advance on Bapaume.
  • 3. Mexico denies having received an offer from Germany suggesting an alliance.
  • 10. Russian Czar suspends sittings of the Duma.
  • 11. Bagdad captured by British forces under Gen. Maude.
  • 14. China breaks with Germany.
  • 15. Czar Nicholas abdicates. Prince Lvoff heads new cabinet.
  • 17. Bapaume falls to British. Roye and Lassigny occupied by French.
  • 18. Peronne, Chaulnes, Nesle and Noyon evacuated by Germans, who retire on an 85-mile front.
  • 18. City of Memphis, Illinois, and Vigilancia, American ships, torpedoed.
  • 19. Alexander Ribot becomes French premier, succeeding Briand.
  • 21. Healdton, American ship, bound from Philadelphia to Rotterdam, sunk without warning; 21 men lost.
  • 26-31. British advance on Cambrai.


  • 1. Aztec, American armed ship, sunk in submarine zone.
  • 5. Missourian, American steamer, sunk in Mediterranean.
  • 6. United States declares war on Germany.
  • 7. Cuba and Panama at war with Germany.
  • 8. Austria-Hungary breaks with United States.
  • 9. Germans retreat before British on long front.
  • 9. Bolivia breaks with Germany.
  • 13. Vimy, Givenchy, Bailleul and positions about Lens taken by Canadians.
  • 20. Turkey breaks with United States.
  • 22. President Wilson suggests to the belligerents a peace without victory.
  • 31. Germany announces intention of sinking all vessels in war zone around British Isles.


  • 9. Liberia breaks with Germany.
  • 11. Russian Council of Workmen's and Soldiers' Delegates demands peace conference.
  • 15. Gen. Petain succeeds Gen. Nivelle as Commander-in-Chief of French armies. Gen. Foch is appointed Chief of Staff.
  • 16. Bullecourt captured by British in the Arras battles.
  • 17. Honduras breaks with German.
  • 18. Conscription bill signed by President Wilson.
  • 19. Nicaragua breaks with Germany.
  • 22-26. Italians advance on the Carso.


  • 5. Registration day for new draft army in United States.
  • 7. Messines-Wytschaete ridge in English hands.
  • 8. Gen. Pershing, Commander-in-Chief of American expeditionary force, arrives in England en route to France.
  • 18. Haiti breaks with Germany.


  • 1. Russians begin offensive in Gallicia, Kerensky, Minister of War, leading in person.
  • 3. American expeditionary force arrives in France.
  • 6. Canadian House of Commons passes Compulsory Military Service Bill.
  • 12. King Constantine of Greece abdicates in favour of his secondson, Alexander.
  • 16-23. Retreat of Russians on a front of 155 miles.
  • 20. Alexander Kerensky becomes Russian premier, succeeding Lvoff.
  • 20. Drawing of draft number for American conscript army begins.
  • 22. Siam at war with Germany and Austria.
  • 31. Franco-British attack penetrates German lines on a 20-mile front.


  • 1. Pope Benedict XV makes plea for peace on a basis of no annexation, no indemnity.
  • 7. Liberia at war with Germany.
  • 8. Canadian Conscription Bill passes its third reading in Senate.
  • 14. China at war with Germany and Austria-Hungary.
  • 15. Canadian troops capture Hill 70, dominating Lens.
  • 19. Italians cross the Isonzo and take Austrian positions.
  • 28. Pope Benedict's peace plea rejected by President Wilson.


  • 3. Riga captured by Germans.
  • 14. Paul Painleve becomes French premier, succeeding Ribot.
  • 16. Russia proclaimed a republic by Kerensky.
  • 20. Costa Rica breaks with Germany.
  • 21. Gen. Tasker H. Bliss named Chief of Staff of the United States Army.
  • 26. Zonnebeke, Polygon Wood and Tower Hamlets, east of Ypres, taken by British.
  • 29. Turkish Mesopotamian army, under Ahmed Bey, captured by British.


  • 6. Peru and Uruguay break with Germany.
  • 9. Poelcapelle and other German positions captured in Franco- British attack.
  • 17. Antilles, American transport, westbound from France, sunk by submarine; 67 lost.
  • 23. American troops in France fire their first shot in trench warfare.
  • 23. French advance northeast of Soissons.
  • 24. Austro-Germans begin great offensive on Italian positions.
  • 25. Italians retreat across the Isonzo and evacuate the Bainsizza Plateau.
  • 26. Brazil at war with Germany.
  • 31. Beersheba, in Palestine, occupied by British.


  • 1. Germans abandon position on Chemin des Dames.
  • 3. Americans in trenches suffer 20 casualties in German attacks.
  • 6. Passchendaele captured by Canadians.
  • 6. British Mesopotamian forces reach Tekrit, 100 miles northwest of Bagdad.
  • 7. The Russian Bolsheviki, led by Lenin and Trotzsky, seize Potrograd and depose Kerensky.
  • 8. Gen. Diaz succeeds Gen. Cadorna as Commander-in-Chief of Italian armies.
  • 10. Lenin becomes Premier of Russia, succeeding Kerensky.
  • 15. Georges Clemenceau becomes Premier of France, succeeding Painlove.
  • 21. Ribecourt, Flesquieres, Havrincourt, Marcoing and other German positions captured by British.
  • 23. Italians repulse Germans on the whole front from the Asiago Plateau to the Brenta River.
  • 24. Cambrai menaced by British, who approach within three miles, capturing Bourlon Wood.


  • 1. German East Africa reported completely conquered.
  • 1. Allies' Supreme War Council, representing the United States, France, Great Britain and Italy, holds first meeting at Versailles.
  • 3. Russian Bolsheviki arrange armistice with Germans.
  • 5. British retire from Bourlon Wood, Graincourt and other positions west of Cambrai.
  • 7. Finland declares independence.
  • 8. Jerusalem, held by the Turks for 673 years, surrenders to British, under Gen. Allenby.
  • 10. Panama at war with Austria-Hungary.
  • 11. United States at war with Austria-Hungary.
  • 15. Armistice signed between Germany and Russia at Brest-Litovsk.
  • 17. Coalition government of Sir Robert Borden is returned andconsidered confirmed in Canada.

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